MAGSHAPE™: The Most Palatable Magnesium

Lubrizol’s MAGSHAPE™ Orosoluble Powder Has Been Rated Most Palatable Magnesium in New Study. It is the most palatable choice in a new consumer study. The superior sensory properties of the powder stick were confirmed in a blind tasting conducted by a panel of 100 participants.

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The best-selling mineral

It is currently the best-selling mineral, with 47% of the global mineral market share, according to Mintel.

In the panel conducted by Global Sensory, consumers expressed that the health benefits that most motivate them to regularly supplement with magnesium are its ability to reduce tiredness and fatigue, prevent muscle cramps, promote post-sport recovery, improve bone and joint health, and improve sleep quality,

Challenges with Traditional Magnesium Supplements

MAGSHAPE is a microencapsulated form of magnesium created by Lubrizol to address many of the challenges associated with magnesium supplementation. Traditional magnesium supplements can have unpleasant tastes, cause gastric discomfort, and require a high volume of product to achieve the recommended daily intake.

Innovation in Supplement Formats

Initially available in a highly concentrated chewable tablet, the company has recently introduced its ingredient in a new and modern dietary supplement format: a small 1.5 g sachet of orosoluble powder. This format appeals to a growing number of consumers who prefer to avoid swallowing pills and was the format used in this sensory study.

Advantages of the Powder Format

Each compact sachet delivers 250mg of magnesium in a low-dose powder that can be taken directly or easily dispersed in a wide range of delivery formats without the need to pre-dilute it in water, making it ideal for on-the-go consumption. It is an ideal solution for a post-work intake to help relax the mind and muscles and promote restful sleep.

MAGSHAPE Technology

The patented technology applied to MAGSHAPE is based on the micronization and microencapsulation of magnesium. This technology improves the bioavailability of magnesium, while enhancing its stability and dispersibility. It allows the development of new formats for the delivery of magnesium supplements, such as orosoluble powders, since the product has a pleasant taste and dissolves easily in the mouth without leaving lumps or a pasty sensation.

Popularity of Powder Supplements

According to Innova Market Insights, while traditional formats such as tablets and softgels remain popular, powder supplement formats are gaining ground due to increased consumer focus on sensory appeal and convenience. Innova also observed an increase in influencer focus on magnesium on social media, particularly for promoting sleep, relieving stress and increasing energy levels.

Evaluation of Different Magnesium Salts

Five orosoluble powder formulations containing 250 mg of magnesium were tested, with the only difference being the source of magnesium. MAGSHAPE was compared to commonly used magnesium salts such as magnesium oxide, magnesium citrate, magnesium bicarbonate, and magnesium bisglycinate.

Participants validated their acceptance and preference for the different orosoluble magnesium powders on multiple aspects of each product’s sensory properties and rated each product based on their overall preference.

Results of the Sensory Study

MAGSHAPE received the highest ratings for its texture. Consumers described its texture as smooth, fine and quick to dissolve in the mouth. It was rated as the tastiest powder, with the least tendency to leave an unpleasant aftertaste and the lowest intensity of bitterness.

56% of participants reported that they did not perceive any unpleasant notes. It was also considered the most balanced in terms of acidity and was the most preferred choice overall due to its favourable organoleptic characteristics.

Consumer Preferences

Panelists expressed that the 1.5 g MAGSHAPE sachet was among the two magnesium formulations considered to offer the most ideal format for delivering the recommended daily dose of magnesium without the need to divide the product into multiple doses. 74% of panelists found that obtaining 250 mg/day in a single concentrated dose was highly advantageous.

Benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium, hailed as a natural calming element, is an essential mineral that influences many metabolic processes within the body, from muscle relaxation to stress reduction. Its positive impact on mental and physical well-being has earned it a reputation as a powerhouse mineral.

According to data from Spins, as of the end of 2023, magnesium was among the top 25 best-selling ingredients in both the conventional supplements and natural supplements channels.

Competitive Advantages of MAGSHAPE

MAGSHAPE has been carefully designed to overcome the obstacles of meeting these consumer needs.

MAGSHAPE’s competitive advantage lies in its ability to deliver a potent dose of magnesium in a compact serving that is palatable, convenient to consume, and has maximum bioavailability.

Said Isabel Gomez

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