You can now join our WhatsApp community BUSINESSYou can now join our WhatsApp communityPaola GioffreJanuary 3, 2024January 3, 2025
Why is acesulfame K a non-nutritive sweetener? SUGAR and SWEETENERWhy is acesulfame K a non-nutritive sweetener?Paola GioffreDecember 21, 2023January 3, 2025
Processed and ultra-processed foods and their impact on the consumerPaola GioffreNovember 8, 2023January 3, 2025 Interest in processed and ultra-processed foods is increasing, and processed culinary ingredients surprise us with 12,000%.... LEER MÁS
What is yeast beta-glucan and its different types?Paola GioffreJanuary 2, 2023January 3, 2025 El betaglucano de levadura es un tipo de polisacárido que demostró tener efectos sobre el sistema inmunológico... LEER MÁS